Бывает так, что человек решил заняться делом -заточкой маникюрных, парикмахерских, медицинских инструментов. Есть желание приобрести профессиональное оборудование, но недостаточны возможности. В таких ситуациях мы идем навстречу покупателю, declaring support action periodically craftsmen sharpening.
New machines for the action only in this month.
We can also offer b / Equipment is in excellent condition with discounts up 50% as the bottom.
This machine is designed for sharpening knives clippers, Knife grinders and other tools in the domestic environment. It weighs about 12kg, and can be used in the mobile work. Although it does not have a very presentable, but the quality of work not inferior to expensive professional peers. The package includes a set of consumables and Videos for.
negotiated price, offer.
Contact by e-mail: master@zatochka36.ru or feedback form at the bottom.