Заточной бизнес «под ключ».

В последнее время все увеличивается безработица и в такое время пора задуматься и решить найти такую работу, где тебя никто не уволит. Да, это открыть свое дело.

Есть разные направления бизнеса и везде есть определенные риски, что дело не пойдет. Но, for starting a business it is important to analyze the market and weigh their potential,,ru,sharpening of manicure and hairdressing tools particularly in demand in recent years,,ru,These professionals need to constantly ostrozatochennyh instruments and therefore are looking for master sharpener,,ru,who provide high-quality services,,ru,And to provide quality services needed,,ru,some knowledge and quality equipment,,ru.

Одним из рентабельных направлений является заточной бизнес. В частности, заточка маникюрных и парикмахерских инструментов особо пользуется спросом в последнее время, это и понятно, если обратили внимание, все больше открываются парикмахерских, салонов, красоты, а также с каждым днем увеличивается армия мастеров маникюра и парикмахеров. Эти специалисты нуждаются постоянно в острозаточенных инструментах и поэтому ищут мастеров-заточников. Среди заточников также есть конкуренция, поэтому в этом деле тоже в первых рядах те, кто оказывают качественные услуги. And to provide quality services requires certain knowledge and quality equipmentе.

We produce specialized equipment for sharpening professional hairdressing, маникюрных, health, plumbing and other tools. We have developed a new sharpening of nail technology, hairdressing tools and offer the opportunity wishing to establish a technological advanced the grinding shop with minimum investment. We may pass your full-time education specialist and the acquisition of high-quality equipment with no deductibles and royalty.

Мастерская по заточке маникюрных и парикмахерских инструментов

What you get with us?

  1. Quality sharpening training on new technology.
  2. Quality equipment with a guarantee, required to perform the full range of grinding work at a low price.
  3. Consultations on the selection of premises and locations grinding workshop.
  4. Consultation on the promotion of the business.
  5. Further technical and consulting support.

You can sharpen?

  1. Scissors(парикмахерские, маникюрные, sewing, household)
  2. manicure nippers,,ru,Bishkek,,ky,Machine for sharpening of manicure tools,,ru(для кожи, nail), пушеры, tweezers, etc..
  3. Knives for cutting machines(волос, животных)
  4. knives grinders.
  5. Medical cutting tools(scalpels, ножницы, curette etc)
  6. Household tools(kitchen knives, scissors, etc.)
  7. Hand tools(drill, taps, cores, etc.)
  8. Gardening Tools(axes, shovel, tyapki and t.d)

This list is incomplete and after training with us the main sharpening technologies, you can sharpen any other specific cutting tool and be able to constantly increase the list of services.

How much it will cost with training equipment?

Generally sharpening business franchise sells for 200-250 т.р. and basically sharpening many franchisors technology is based on standard sharpening machines, which have many drawbacks in sharpening quality and technology. We offer quality equipment(three special machine, required to perform the full range of grinding work) with training almost half the price of competitors. We can specify the cost of equipment and training based on your wishes, some want a complete set equip his workshop.

Education on the DVD attached to the machines for free. If there is a desire to go full-time education, it will be paid and we should find out on

e-mail: info@sharp36.ru or so. + 7-920-216-14-57(Whats Up, Viber).

You can also contact us by feedback on issues of interest, заполнив форму внизу.

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1 Response to Заточной бизнес «под ключ».

  1. Alexander says:

    Excellent equipment, professional teachers.
    Well done consultants, don't make you wait, p.h. the most precious thing for a person is time…

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