Beginning sharpening master what you need to know?

Master sharpening hairdressing and manicure tools – востребованная специальность в наше время. И это неудивительно. Обратите внимание на количество открывающихся новых салонов красоты и парикмахерских в вашем населенном пункте. And even more rapidly growing number of private masters of manicure and hairdressers,,ru,Since then, a lot of water has flowed under the bridge,,ru,notice,,ru,that the situation there as before resembles the picture,,ru. И все они нуждаются в услугах мастера по заточке и ремонту инструментов. Хотя в этой сфере есть конкуренция, но хороший специалист никогда без работы не остается.
Как и любой хороший специалист, он таким не рождается- им становится.

Обучение заточке в мастерской А.ШарпWhat a person needs to know, who decided to sharpen, but don't know where to start?

When I started working in this specialty, возникали много вопросов, на которые находил ответы методом проб и ошибок, поскольку не было хоть какой-нибудь учебной литературы конкретно по этой специальности. А информация получаемая на форумах заточников приводила к тупику и приходилось все проверять экспериментально для выяснения действительно полезной мысли. С тех пор утекло много воды, иногда захожу на форумы заточников, замечаю, что ситуация там как и прежде напоминает картину: тянущие воз рак, лебедь и щука.

First of all, a beginner is interested in where to learn this skill and how much investment should be made.

There are many offers from training centers and private masters, but sometimes in the abyss of advertising it is difficult for a novice to choose high-quality training and equipment with minimal cost. As I said, on forums you will not come to an optimal solution, and you’ll be influenced by cunning moderators and divorce for good money, and this is not so bad, if there is training and quality equipment, otherwise it will be very regrettable in the future.

The best option – comparative analysis and individual training with a strong master. It is necessary to find out the work experience of the master, what is he known, what equipment does it work, and of course what it costs you to learn with equipment.

What are the advantages of my studies and why people come to me to study in Voronezh from different regions of not only Russia, but also from abroad?

I will not dwell on the biography, can read it here, I will give the facts of the case.

In the course of my practical activity, I recognized the needs of beginning masters and developed a non-standard teaching methodology., according to which a person quickly learns the technique of sharpening and quickly enters the scope of services for sharpening and repair. I have been working in this field for more than 15 years old. Analyzing the experience of the masters, noticed the shortcomings of existing sharpening methods and equipment, developed new technologies and special equipment, which you can see in mine книге “Секреты профессиональной заточки” and on the attached videos.

Beginners are also interested in the duration of training.. This question cannot be answered unambiguously. How best 2 days to study or 20. Many places train for several weeks., but a long term is not an indicator, that you learn a lot, than say for a two-day course. At first, all sharpening technologies can be shown in a couple of days, and then come practice repetitions. Во-вторых, having equipment at hand and, upon seeing, live as a master does everything, you can practice at home, save a ton of money, the more I give the student after the course along with the testimony and drive, where the whole program is recorded and you can easily remember, that you forgot. In the future, I support my students with free consultations.. Итак, Is it possible to learn how to sharpen a tool with high quality in a short time, спрашивают часто желающие научиться этой профессии?
Станок для заточки ШМ-36 СупермстерI will answer, with our special equipment it's possible. Научиться работать на нем легко. and correspondingly,,ru,quickly learn how to qualitatively sharpen manicure,,ru,medical instruments,,ru,and if you want to learn the most qualitative grind not only tweezers,,ru, быстро научитесь качественно заточить маникюрные. парикмахерские, medical and other cutting tools.

In the old class experts passed on the secrets of their mastery of the fathers to the children, and so on from generation to generation. В наш век глобализации и Интернета, появились возможности у каждого желающего собрать знания не выходя из дома. Это вы сможете сделать как бесплатно, по материалам моего сайта, and paid for special training course according to method A. Шарп.

And if you decide to go full-time education, you need to register in advance in the form below or by t. + 7-920-216-14-57

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